State of Pride: A World Premiere
What is the state of the gay Pride movement in America? The film State of Pride looks at the question by taking its cameras to Gay Pride parades across America,…
Arts and Crafts Movement
The Arts and Crafts movement that began in England in the 1840s and 50s still elicits awe. Its range of infiltration into everyday life is the motivating force behind an…
Me Too in Ancient Greece
The ‘Me Too’ movement actually started 2400 years ago. Aristophanes tells of a time when the women of Greece rebelled at being regarded only as sexual objects. The resulting play,…
South by Southwest is about to begin, and the highlight this year will be Good Omens. It is an upcoming TV series based on a 1990 book, and will star…
Murder by Natural Causes
Based on a television movie of 1979, this theatrical play is by the writers of the hit TV series Columbo. It has the same sly humour as detective Columbo, which…
A Blessing for the Living
Last weekend in Pensacola, just a day after I had heard the Austin Symphony Orchestra play the St. Anthony Variations by Brahms, I was having a discussion with TV director…
Our Town
As one of the characters in this classic play by Thornton Wilder states, “some people weren’t made for small town life.” That dichotomy will likely dictate how Our Town from…
A Diverting Piece of Lunacy
Fans of Sherlock Holmes are quite familiar with his famous case The Hound of the Baskervilles. I remember having dinner at the Sherlock Holmes pub in London, which featured (right…
A Postcard on Ballet
Four dances performed by Austin Ballet this weekend gave us an insight into choreographer Annabelle Lopez Ochoa. “I wanted to give a postcard of what is Annibel,” she explained, speaking…
The Feud
Those seeking comic relief on an unusual topic need go no further than the Doughtery Arts Centre on Barton Creek, very close to the famous Terry Black’s BBQ. The menacingly…