I was fortunate to chat over lunch with the effusive and humble Matthew Hinsley, founder of Austin Classical Guitar (ACG), who has been a dedicated community arts organizer in Central Texas since 1996. His contributions have been widely recognized, earning him the 2017 Public Citizen of the Year award from the Texas Statewide Division of the National Association of Social Workers and the Austin Under 40 award in 2015. As the Executive Director of ACG, Dr. Hinsley has successfully raised millions of dollars to support an array of concert, outreach, and educational programs, establishing ACG as the nation’s most prominent classical guitar nonprofit. In addition to his work with ACG, he began teaching arts entrepreneurship and business management courses at the University of Texas in 2015.

Transforming Lives Through Music: A Guide to Empowering Juveniles and Underrepresented Communities

Educational Outreach and Support

ACG’s mission’s heart lies in a deep commitment to education, mainly through music. We have designed a comprehensive guitar education program that has proven incredibly effective in engaging a diverse range of students. Starting in a single classroom in 2001, our model has evolved to draw more students into the arts and keep them engaged long-term. Our program’s success is built on strong partnerships with schools and districts introducing guitar classes as an accredited fine arts course. This collaboration allows us to work directly with teachers and students, helping to cultivate a love for music across central Texas and beyond. Local initiatives span over 50 schools, enrolling thousands of students each year.

Besides on-the-ground efforts, ACG offers online resources, teacher training, and community partnerships that extend the reach of our programs across the country. They partner with the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, where they’ve developed a groundbreaking curriculum and song database in braille, making music accessible to students with visual impairments worldwide. Another initiative called Free Lessons provides weekly private lessons and instruments to students in Title I schools, ensuring that financial barriers do not stand in the way of learning and creating music.

Juvenile Justice Initiative

Since 2010, ACG has brought the transformative power of music to youth in residential detention and treatment centers. These guitar classes, offered at central Texas and Dallas County facilities, are unique in the Texas juvenile system as they allow participants to earn Fine Arts credits—something rarely available in such settings. ACG’s work’s impact has been recognized nationally, as its program is one of the few that offers for-credit performing arts education to incarcerated youth in the country.

The students in these programs learn to play the guitar skillfully, solo and in ensembles, and experience personal growth and transformation. The teaching approach, tailored explicitly for juvenile justice settings, combined with the dedication of their instructors, provides a powerful means for young people to express themselves and a healing journey.

Music & Healing: A Path to Wellness

The Music & Healing program is designed to provide individualized musical experiences for people facing significant challenges, including mental or physical health diagnoses, incarceration, homelessness, and more. By partnering with organizations like Dell Children’s Hospital the Salvation Army Women and Children’s Shelter, ACG offers a range of programs that use music as a tool for healing and connection.

One of the most impactful projects within this initiative is the Lullaby Project, where new or expectant mothers collaborate with teaching artists to create and record a personalized lullaby for their babies. This process creates a lasting memory and strengthens the bond between mother and child during a crucial time.

Artistic Programming and Community Engagement: ACG offers youth and adult ensembles a vibrant array of artistic programming. These include concerts featuring international artists and original productions that highlight the voices and experiences of individuals within our community. Through these programs, we continue to enrich the cultural landscape, ensuring that music remains a powerful force for connection, expression, and change.

Contact Matthew Hinsely matt@austinclassicalguitar.org

For more information and to purchase concert tickets, contact: Austin Classical Guitar. All concerts are held at The Rosette located at 3908 Avenue B, Ste 116, Austin, 78751

By Elise Krentzel

Elise Krentzel is the author of the bestselling memoir Under My Skin - Drama, Trauma & Rock 'n' Roll, a ghostwriter, book coach to professionals who want to write their memoir, how-to or management book or fiction, and contributing author to several travel books and series. Elise has written about art, food, culture, music, and travel in magazines and blogs worldwide for most of her life, and was formerly the Tokyo Bureau Chief of Billboard Magazine. For 25 years, she lived overseas in five countries and now calls Austin, TX, her home. Find her at https://elisekrentzel.com, FB: @OfficiallyElise, Instagram: @elisekrentzel, LI: linkedin.com/in/elisekrentzel.