Books are delivered to our office for review, and they pile up like so many skyscrapers. Right now, there are over 40 seeking attention. One of them, Supply Chain Seesaw—The Ups and Downs, is making its debut in Austin at the trade show Austin Supply Chain Management CONNECT 2024 (ASCM) on September 9-10, so I wanted to get a head start on informing our business readers about it.

Supply Chain Seesaw is a book that caters to both neophytes and professionals in the supply chain management industry. For those new to the field, it provides a comprehensive introduction, while for seasoned professionals, it offers a fresh perspective on the industry’s dynamics. The author’s Seesaw Socio-Economics™ theory is presented in a straightforward manner, making it accessible to all readers.

What is Seesaw Socio-Economics™?

At its core, Seesaw Socio-Economics™ is the study of the economic dynamics generated by the conflicting interests of the various participants in the supply chain and global trade sectors. The supply chain industry is complex and often opaque by nature. I developed the theory of Seesaw Socio-Economics™ to clarify how different players within this industry interact, mainly when their objectives are at odds.

Imagine a metaphorical seesaw: as long as there are two participants or riders, they engage in a delicate balancing act, each trying to leverage their position to achieve their desired outcomes. However, the balance on this seesaw is rarely, if ever, perfect. Instead, the constant tipping of the scales—toward one party or the other—drives the economic momentum within the supply chain.

The riders on this seesaw are the various links in the supply chain, each with its distinct interests and objectives. These include Customers, Suppliers, Shippers, Customs Clearance Agents, Truckers, and many other entities involved from point A to Z in the supply chain process.

Each entity operates with its priorities, often diverging significantly from its counterparts. Whether upstream or downstream in the supply chain, these players are engaged in a constant push-and-pull dynamic, with each party striving to maximize its benefits, sometimes at the expense of the others.

The book guides you through each phase of the supply chain process, from prototype ideation to actual production on the manufacturing floor in China, to packaging and shipping the finished goods to the customer in the USA. It not only explains the industry’s mechanics but also provides real-life examples of challenges and risk mitigation strategies, preparing you for the realities of this volatile industry.

You’ll also learn industry terminology and its meaning in proposals, quality control, and customs clearance. The author has dotted the book with charts to represent complex concepts visually. This book is an essential guide and reference to cross-border trade and supply chain management by 20-year veteran Kerim Kfuri. The author uses practical applications and real-world scenarios to explore every aspect of the supply chain journey, from prototyping to sustainability. Reading it provided insight into this fascinating field, one I’ve never thought much about.

Meet the Author

If you are attending ASCM CONNECT 2024,  schedule a visit with the author at booth #48

The book is available for a 20% discount purchase until August 31st at and thereafter on Amazon at Supply Chain Seesaw.