Prepare to be transported to the thrilling world of the 1930s with The Filigree Theatre’s grand finale of their Fifth Anniversary Season, Above the Fold. Crafted by the talented Julie Zaffarano and masterfully directed by Elizabeth V. Newman, this production unveils the captivating tale of Dorothy Walton, a determined journalist unraveling the truth behind a scandalous murder case from 1935.
Set against a backdrop of an era marked by misogyny, powerful industrialists who could bend the law, and gripping moral dilemmas, Above the Fold transports you to a time of typewriters, printed newspapers, and telegrams. But don’t be fooled by the nostalgia; this play delves into timeless questions about journalistic integrity and the pursuit of truth, issues that resonate as strongly today as they did then, just like Citizen Kane did.
The themes were mighty and provocative but weren’t adequately investigated as far as the script goes, which was a pity. There was so much material to work with and make statements about. Dorothy’s half-hearted feminist approach to her work petered out at the end when she settles for marriage with a man she is not convinced is the right one for her.
The set was authentic, yet the main character who plays Dorothy, the female smart-cookie news reporter who is sort of, on again off again, in love with a fellow journalist without the same moral compass as her, wore her hair down and loose, which was not at all common in that era. Loose hair happened in the 1960s. The dilemma Dorothy struggles with throughout the show is telling her truth vs. getting the news out at any cost, which her boyfriend has no qualms about.
The pace of the show was slightly off. Less dialogue and more action or music to highlight changing scenarios or states of mind might have upped the ante. Featuring a cast of characters embodying the essence of ‘The Woman in The Story,’ there is Dorothy, the ambitious journalist; Minnie, the hotel barkeep burdened with adult responsibilities; and Evelyn Hoey, the enigmatic starlet at the heart of it all. Each character is brought to life by our talented cast, and the authentic set design adds a layer of realism that will transport you to the heart of the story. An anomaly was Minnie. She is Black, and yet there is little racism or none at all considering the state of America in the 1930s when racism against all non-WASPs was virulent, even in the North.
Following this production, The Filigree Theatre invites you to its annual Gold & Silver Gala, a celebration of five incredible seasons filled with critically acclaimed performances and a glimpse into the future. So mark your calendars and secure tickets for Above the Fold, where the past meets the present in a whirlwind of drama. Tickets are available now.